Saleha Abbas of Musawir has been designing finely crafted furniture for over two decades in Lahore. Known to furniture connoisseurs all over the country, she continues to  expand her line. Saleha speaks to Afshan Shafi and revealed her inspirations

I adore Victoriana and would amass a trove of these if given a chance. I feel a few Victorian pieces lend any space depth and just a touch of grandeur and interest. I’m looking to add some generously proportioned armchairs, an open bookcase and a mahogany writing desk to my collection. I am also partial to Chinoserie or a good botanical wallpaper print. I adore the work of the Impressionists, particularly Claude Monet.

I don’t like heavy draped curtains needlessly adorned with an assortment of tassels. I feel they obstruct natural light and that for me is a big NO!

Favorite interior designers:
I love the work of Mario Buatta who was known as the Prince of Chintz. He loved a medley of objects and there was real feminine charm to all he did. He knew how to expertly stage English country style.

Favorite architects:
The work of Zaha Hadid is an eternal inspiration. Locally, I feel Fahim is outstanding in his variety, accuracy and perfectionism.
I finde the work of Billy Baldwin, the cornucopia of Islamic architecture, and the unearthly wonders of Rome especially inspiring.

Dream Client:
I would have loved to design a room for the glamorous Elizabeth Taylor. I love all her movies.

Favourite pieces from your own line:
I feel our marquetry pieces are some of the most detailed out there. These are real heirloom, timeless pieces.

Favourite projects:
I truly enjoyed conceiving the design for our restaurant Buzkash. We serve authentic Central Asian cuisine so there are elements of the latter subtly scattered throughout.

Mood Board

Good Times


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