Influencer Sophiya Khan tells us her take on social media, mental health and more
On social media
For me it’s a very positive tool which revolutionized the digital marketplace and created a lot of opportunities for home based workers. At the end of the day it is just a tool which can be used to do good like connecting people, making marketing for small businesses easier and more cost efficient. However, it can be used for the bad. Such as using the platform to spread hate, target individuals, promote negativity etc. So just like any other tool this new age world may give us, it’s up to the individual on how they make use of it.
On family
The most important word in my vocabulary. Family for me is not just a bunch of individuals. It’s also a feeling, a sense of own & belonging. I have found family in some of my friendships and in some of my work relationships. My family is the most important theme in my life, which I’m sad to have started valuing a little later in my life. Be it the family you’re born into or the family you choose – or maybe even a little bit of both – they give you a sense of belonging no other relationship can.
On mental health
It’s the most important version of health that one must take care of. Every morning begins with a thought, just like we end every night with certain thoughts. The first step would be to recognise the power our own thoughts have over our realties and how detrimental they are to shaping our long term lives. Regardless of your own assessment of your mental health, it is absolutely essential to have healthy mechanisms in place to process our thoughts in a productive manner so we can therefore improve our quality of life seamlessly. As well as the role we play in others.
On marriage
Like any other partnership, it’s a choice you make to embark upon a journey with another. If the partnership is able to adapt through tests and trails, improve and grow, I would say it would be worth investing more of yourselves in. However, it’s very common and totally ok if the partnership doesn’t seem to be working out. As an experience on it own, I feel it is a beautiful chapter to embark upon, as we only discover ourselves more in relation to others.
On pets
To be able to care for and receive love from a being so pure and innocent is one of the most rewarding experiences in my opinion. In total I have been privileged and lucky enough to have cared for 5 cats & most recently 2 dogs. Each one of them brought their own unique personalities into my life and made it a better place.